It is good to emphasize the importance of oral hygiene to your child as early as possible. For starters, tooth decay that affects his or her primary teeth may well increase the risk of having cavities in the permanent teeth as well. When heading to a dental practice like Magnolia Park Dental, some children may feel anxious or nervous because they don’t know what to expect, but when they sit in the chair and you walk them through everything that they need to do to keep their mouths clean, they can feel more relaxed because they understand the situation better. Dental hygiene is really important and educating them on the tools you use and how to clean their mouths will not only make them feel comfortable but also teach them the proper way to keep clean.
The secret to combatting this condition is to introduce your children to a proper oral care routine early in life and to also ensure that they see a pediatric dentist in Charleston, SC on a regular basis.
You may not be aware of it, but a regular visit to a Charleston pediatric dentistry office is as necessary to keeping your child’s smile healthy as brushing their teeth daily. This is because there may be some treatments the pediatric dental specialist may need to do to ensure that the child’s teeth and gums will stay healthy for a long time. Some of these include:
Teeth Cleaning (Oral Prophylaxis)
Your child may already be pretty efficient in brushing his or her teeth, but that doesn’t mean that all the dirt (particles from food consumed earlier) has been thoroughly cleaned out. This is why your child needs to see a pediatric dentistry specialist around once or twice a year.
During this teeth cleaning treatment, the pediatric dental specialist will take a closer look at your child’s teeth. He or she will also examine them for any signs of cavities. At the same time, the doctor will also assess the health of your child’s gum and recommend further treatment procedures if necessary. You can find more on teeth cleaning and dental health at dental health authority.
Baby Tooth Crowns Or Caps
For any baby tooth that has an extensive case of decay, pediatric dental specialists tend to recommend putting a crown on the affected tooth so that the problem doesn’t worsen. Typically, crowns or caps tend to last until the baby tooth falls out, making the solution very practical.
Tooth Trauma Treatments
Because children tend to have a lot of energy, they sometimes experience tooth trauma as a result of a fall or an injury from playing. In cases like this, a pediatric dentist will check your child’s mouth for any signs of dental trauma and prescribe a treatment or medication plan. Meanwhile, for trauma affecting a permanent tooth, the doctor may also recommend a root canal.
Go ahead and set up your child’s first visit with a pediatric dentist in Charleston, SC today!
Importance of Childhood Oral Hygiene & the Role of Parents,